Urgent Care or ER — How to Decide

Additional Resources
  • Text to find the nearest urgent care
    Quickly find an urgent care center close to you using BCBS’s “urgent text” messaging system.
  • Blue Access for Members website
    Log on to the BCBS website and click on the “Doctors and Hospitals” tab in the Provider Finder® to search for urgent care centers.
  • BCBS Provider Finder®
    Provider Finder is a fast, easy-to-use tool to help you find in-network providers near you.
  • SmartERSM emergency care options
    For non-emergency care, you have choices where to receive services. SmartER can help you decide which care option is best based on your symptoms and potential cost.
  • Deciding where to go for care
    Understand when an ER visit is needed and when other options, such as a virtual visit or urgent care, might be a better option to save time and money.
  • Click on your CPChem location below to find a list of in-network urgent care centers near you.
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