Performance Pipe Hourly Non-Union Summary Plan Descriptions (Benefits Handbook)
You can access the entire Benefits Handbook below, or click on the individual chapter for each benefit. You can also access a summary of material modifications (SMM), which advises you of material changes to your employee benefit plans from one plan year to the next plan year.
- 2024 Summary Plan Descriptions (Benefits Handbook) – Complete
- 2024 Summary of Material Modifications (SMM)
- 2024 Benefits Handbook Separate Chapters
The legal details:
This Web site contains summaries of the formal documents that govern the Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP benefit plans. More complete rules addressing the benefits summarized on this Web site are contained in the governing plan documents. If there are any discrepancies between this Web site and the official plan documents, the plan documents will govern.
If you are covered by a collective bargaining agreement that provides for participation in the plans described on this Web site, your entitlement to a benefit and the terms and conditions of your participation are subject to discussions between the parties under the terms of that agreement and applicable labor laws.
Participation in these plans does not imply a contract between you and Chevron Phillips Chemical or a commitment by Chevron Phillips Chemical to continue employment, compensation, or benefits for any employee for any period. The plans do not give you a right to any benefit or interest in the plans except as specifically provided in the plan documents.
Chevron Phillips Chemical reserves the right to amend or terminate any of its benefit plans at any time.